Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A network out of thin air

So I've read many books on real estate.  A common theme I've read is that as you start to invest in real estate a network starts to establish our of thin air.  Let me explain.

Since we started to purchase real estate the following things have happened. Also in italics is  a benefit from each:
-- Real estate agents are calling us now with deals that meet our criteria.  We don't have to spend as much time on base research.
-- The bank is asking us when we're going to buy our next one. If this doesn't guarantee financing I don't know what does.
-- Renters come to us.  For house #5, we had a renter BEFORE we even put in an offer on the house.  Through the "network" we came across a person who asked if we had houses for rent because he was looking to move.  When we found house #5, we showed it to him.  He said he would move in, signed a commitment letter, and we offered, purchased, and he moves in October 1st, 2013.  If this isn't a motivator to keep going in real estate I don't know what is.  I NEVER thought we would find the renter FIRST!

I'm excited to see what other "network" items pop up without us even having to try.....

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